
Thank you for submitting your application to be a part of our FLVS Clubs! A confirmation message has been sent to the email you have provided, please check your email for more information.


Best wishes,
FLVS Student Activities Coordinator


Thank you for your interest in our FLVS Clubs! Unfortunately, this Student Clubs Application form is not available for FLVS Global School County Virtual School Flex Full Time 9-12 K-5 6-8 students at this time.

Return to Student Clubs / Activities

There was a problem saving your submission. Please correct any issues below, or contact the FLVS Help Desk for further assistance.

There was a problem with your submission. Please fix the error and resubmit the form.

* Required Information

About your school
Please choose your virtual school option.
Please choose your grade level. Club options will not show until this is selected.
Please choose which grade you are in.
The 4 digit year you expect to graduate. example: 2025
The name of the school you attend. FLVS Flex students, enter the school you attend in person every day like South Broward High School, Sunset Elementary. FLVS Full Time students please use FLVS Full Time.
The type of school you attend. FLVS Full Time is considered a public school. Please choose the type of school you attend
Choose your club(s)

Note: All clubs require students have a working microphone. 🎙️
Elementary students may choose a maximum of 3 student clubs to participate in. Each club has an attendance and time requirement that should be considered before applying for the club. Additionally, applying for an excessive amount of clubs may impact your ability to fully participate in the clubs selected.
Maximum of 4 clubs is recommended.

Please scroll down to prioritize your current choices.

Please choose your Virtual School option and grade level from the choices above to see available Clubs list.

Prioritize your club choices

Your choices will appear and change here as you make selections above. Once you have fished choosing clubs to apply for, please take a moment to prioritize your choices by dragging your most important choice at the top of the list.

Note: Students will be placed in clubs based on the priority set here and seating availability each club. Some clubs may not have enough seats for the number of students who apply due to overwhelming demand.

Most Important


Touch devices, hold the for a moment before moving. Alternatively, you can clear your choices, and choose in the order of the clubs which are most important to you.

About you
Please enter your first name
Please enter your sirname, or last name. This is also known as a family name.
The username which you use to login to your course(s) at FLVS Please enter the username you use to login to your courses at FLVS
All Club communication will be sent to this email. Please do not use your student email address. What email address do you use outside of FLVS?
This phone number will help your club sponsor contact you.
About your Parent or Guardian
What is your parent or guardian's first name?
What is your parent or guardian's last name, sirname, or family name?
What is your parent or guardian's email address? This shouldn't be the same as the student's email address.
This number will be used by the club sponsor to contact you.
Your street address is required to apply for a club.
Your city is required to apply for a club.
What state do you live in?
What is your zip code?
Please choose your county of residence, or Out of State if you do not live in Florida.
Digital Content Release

By submitting this application and attending in-person student activities and events, you consent to FLVS, the school, and their agents (“FLVS”) use of any photographs and/or videos taken or creative work produced in connection with student clubs and activities, including FLVS right to use, modify, reproduce, and/or publicly display in any medium or form of distribution, including but not limited to web, email, or social media.